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Old 09-22-2004, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: St. Mary\'s County Maryland USA
Posts: 393
Default Got busted last night PART II, not tonight!!!!

Went out two nights ago and got busted, you can read about it. Went out in a different stand last night. Well what got me busted also helped me out. I had a doe at last light come from behind me where I wasn't expecting her. She came out on my right side so to shoot I had to stand up, turn around, then draw (I'm right handed). Well, as she crossed my trail she smelled my foot prints, went alert and looked out at the corn field, directly away from me. This gave me time to stand up and turn before she started looking around. Then she looked at the corn field again.....I drew back. She's facing away from me so all I need is a turn, there she goes and I let it fly. Perfect double lung, pass through, arrow stuck in the ground. She ran a 1/4 circle around me and crashed in the brush.

The thing is if she'd kept walking she would have gotten in to the thick stuff but since she smelled the trail I walked in on it gave me time to stand, turn and draw before she got to the thick stuff.

Back straps last night were GOOOODDDD!!!! First of the season, I'm pumped!!!!!
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