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Old 09-08-2004, 01:46 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 21
Default RE: Gutting Cow elk!

Let me rephrase I bone the majority of the skeletal meat before I deal with the internals, I don't waste any meat, I don't want a bunch of fly eggs in my meat and the minute you open an elk up when it's warm you get mega flys, not to mention yellow jackets. If you know what your doing you can bone a elk fast enough that spoilage isn't s factor. Getting the deep muscle meat off the bone is what saves your meat in warm weather and getting it into the shade with air circulation. I have shot elk when it was in the high 80's in the sun with little shade, and all the meat was perfect.
What i hate is guys carrying out a ham on the bone in 85 degree weather! lets talk spoilage. A unboned ham will keep the heat deep in the muscle for hours. all my clean boned meat goes into "white pillow cases not plastic not those crappy game bags that don't keep Flys from laying eggs. How many guys use black recycled plastic bags to store there meat in? ( don't do it usda says those bags are not safe to use to store meat) The intestines carry huge amounts of bacteria and by dealing with them last your meat is kept clean and safe, most the guys I have seen bone an animal don't have the materials with them to keep that meat clean , you can pack it all out but when you get it home and it's all full of sand where will that meat end up. Ask any locker plant owner how much meat comes into their plants dirty. As far as the comment about removing the milk sac. I would follow to the letter the instructions on the Dow's regs. That whole issued started cause guys would pop a bull in the back country carry out the antlers and then kill a cow/calf closer to the car.
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