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Old 08-09-2004, 04:53 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Fallbrook CA. USA
Posts: 322
Default RE: Caribou Hunting?

BUCKSLAYER1, the camp we hunted out of is KISKIMAASTAKIN, their website is ,if nessesary I can find you the number of the fella that booked us, his name is Dave Benedict. As far as antler size I'm not sure what to tell you , the two bull's that I took measured about 34 to 36 in wide by abot 36 in high with double shovels, I'm more concerned about the hunt and everything that it entail's than I am about antler size. The sheer number of animal's is overwhelming and that by itself was worth the price of admission. As someone else stated their were a large amount of blockhead's ( already dropped their antler's) but I saw thousand's with antler's and some that were very impressive, it seemed that the guy's that used snowmobile's had the largest antlered animal's and out of our group of 8, 6 peoples kill's had larger antler's than my caribou did. the meat was delicious. The downside is the time on the road, loooong and very boring until you get to the ice road and then it get's hairy, we only had one truck slide off the road, but a good share of the ride was whiteknuckle driving on sheer ice, but that is part of what made the trip so spectacular.
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