Forums - View Single Post - Shopping for my first bow any recommendations?
Old 07-26-2004, 07:49 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Georgia
Posts: 263
Default RE: Shopping for my first bow any recommendations?

The best bow for you is the one that you dedcide fits you. If someone else tells you what bow to get you loose out. Just because I like bowtech does not mean you will. Do you want split limb design? Single or double cam? How heavy should it weigh? What draw weight? What amount of let off? What does the bow feel like when it lets off? Accuracy and forgiveness? I know it's a lot of questions but it's just a start. You should at least be able to answer these when you are looking. Also, check out a sight called they have a comparason chart you can look at that is rather helpful and other prelimanary information.

Good luck.

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