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Thread: Chuck Adams
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Old 07-22-2004, 08:43 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Chuck Adams

You're a guy who can literally hunt just about anywhere you want to at anytime.

Why do you have a guide ? Bowhunting, especially on the ground like Chuck often does, a guide surley HAMPERS you more than they help.

I asked this question recently on another board. Chuck killed his 2003 pending WR bull on public/private mixed grounds, areas he'd hunted for years. Why would he need a guide for an area he knew that well ? it doesn't make sense, does it ?

Unless the sole purpose for the guide is an immediate eye witness to the kill, that Chuck did everything by the book.

Thats the reaon I think often he has a guide. Ya'll are so critical of him, just waiting for one mistake where his tag isn't valid, his broadheads are 1/8" too narrow, his arrow sunder tha legal grain weight for the state he's hunting etc etc - makes me sick and I bet it does Chuck too.

He has hutned what, 300 days a year for the past 15-20 years ? You don't think he's better than you are at killing animals ? Your insane if you don't, because he IS better, in every aspect of the hunt from pre-scouting, to setting up the details and getting the tags, to the hunt itsself, to finding the trophy animals, to killing them - he IS ina class by himself, don't think he isn't just because of this or that that you and I don't have

You jealous "hunters" are sickening
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