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Old 06-25-2004, 04:31 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 565
Default RE: Game Cam Poll

member of hagshouse here. I am running 2 digital units now using p32's, x10's and brain units in them. I have 3 in the making now with the new camo dipped boxes. Why, someone stated it beautifully, they kick arse and are better than any commercial unit sold as of now. I just checked mine today and off one camera I got 349 picts over a weeks time using 2 AA batteries that still had 1/4 of there charge in the camera and my nine volt running the brain unit. You guys keep buying those expensive units and one day you too might get the courage to build one. the first one took me a day, the second and third has taken me only 1 hour to get half way done with them. I am waiting on the brain units to finish them out. have about 1 1/2 left to complete them. I will post some picts or you can look at them at under my screen name might be better as the last time I posted a pict of my unit, I was bashed pretty hard. Good luck in what ever you decide but the homebrews rock!

P.S. goto the picture forum and you can check out the about 6 of todays pictures from my unit.
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