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Old 06-16-2004, 09:27 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 579
Default RE: What age should a kid get a gun?

I began shooting a BB gun at age 5, with close supervision from my Father and Grandfather. At the age of 8 I was given a 410 pump shotgun. I was allowed to begin hunting deer with my dad at age 5 and I began to sit in a treestand alone with a 243 at the age of 9. I was big for my age and my dad boought me a gun that fit. I was not allowed to enter the stand without my dad being there and I brought the gun up and loaded the magazine once I had the rifle in the tree and I was buckled into my safety harness. I also took my first deer at age 9 with the 243. It was a small 9 point buck. I had to unload my rifle and wait on my dad before I could lower the gun and climb down to look at my deer.

My Father obviously thought I was mature enough to handle a firearm at this young age. It will be up to you to decide how mature and responsible your child is with a firearm. Most of my friends were not allowed to carry a firearm on the own until age 12. This excludes a BB gun.
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