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Old 04-26-2004, 10:53 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: NY
Posts: 4,668
Default What's your scouting routine???

What do you guys do and when do you do it?

I prefer to do mostly spotlighting around this time of year and I will be on the lookout for deer sign when I hit the woods in a few days for spring turkey. I am primarily concerned with where the deer are right now and what they are feeding on. In my experiences deer will head for their favorite feeding spots right after the snow clears.........sort of like an old reliable habit for them where they can be SURE of getting some good eats.

Once the bucks start to sprout some headgear I spend more time in the woods or fields glassing and trying to pattern movements because I find it easier to identify whether I am looking at the same deer or multiple ones. Gives me a good idea of numbers and quality of what made it through the winter.

Once I figure out the favorite buffet spots I get in the woods more and trace routes back to where I hope to find bedding areas......sometimes I do sometimes I don't [:@] When I do I then map out the most likely routes to and from each and go looking for signs that help confirm this..........doesn't always go as planned and sometimes outside forces screw everything all up anyways but I would say it has worked pretty well for me over the years.

I don't go out of my way looking for the biggest, oldest buck in the county but don't think a chest high rub shredding a 20" tree doesn't catch my eye

Always looking to build a better mouse trap so any reliable tactics would be great............What has produced good results for you guys??
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