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Old 04-19-2004, 07:17 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Gypsum KS USA
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Default RE: Sidearm Carry ???

Much of this is because of liability issues, departments are forced to issue or force officers to carry DAO's often anymore because manual safeties are a liability....if a cops 1911 AD's because of a safety failure, and it leaks to the press that cops carry their guns loaded and cocked all day, you WILL NOT be able to convince the mass public that Condition 1 is the safest manner of carry for the 1911 and especially will not convince them after the AD did occur that the 1911 in Cond 1 is safe. I've also been told by a local police chief that another liability would come up in a gun fight, say a cop forgets to take his safety off and gets shot, he might sue the dept for issuing a gun to him that's too complex to use, since there are precedents out there that claim DAO's are better, the dept would have a tough case to defend itself.

I'm as disheartened as the next guy that LEO's don't get to carry 1911's anymore, even moreso that they can't carry revolvers anymore, but that era is gone.

My only true gripe with it is the fact that bad guys can have guns that are more inherently accurately shootable than our boys in blue, Double actions don't lend themselves to accurate speed shooting, even in well trained hands, and MANY departments' issue listings are written as such that not even DA/SA's or decockers are allowed!!! I'm not prone to believing that glocks are that much safer than say a Ruger P-97DC, DA/SA, gives a fast first shot and easier/more accurate follow ups with the safety of a decocker.
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