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Old 09-15-2021, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 3

Thanks for the replies and the advice. I guess 'survival hunting' wasn't the best term for what I had in mind. Flags, you nailed it in the following sentence:

If you are doing what they did a lot of back in the early days of this country and were hunting meat as you were traveling and game was plentiful then you would drop a deer and take the prime cuts and leave the rest.

That's the kind of hunting I mean. By 'taking the prime cuts' I presume you mean a sort of on-the-spot butchery that didn't fuss too much with method and would, indeed, 'leave the rest.'?

Otherwise, I feel confident in my descriptions of field dressing a deer carcass as they are exhaustively researched, including feedback from experienced hunters. It was the 'travelling hunt' that I was unsure about. If preserving the hide or smoking the meat wasn't a concern, how would someone proceed?

Your answer confirms my intuition. Thanks

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