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Old 11-09-2020, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Fyrstyk54
Anyone here use hearing enhancement ear plugs or muffs for deer hunting? I recently purchased a "Walkers" ear enhancement system for deer hunting from a stand. I found the "white noise" when the unit is on to be very distracting. I swear I can hear better without them and whish I hadn't bought tem cause I don't like the constant "fuzz" in my ears. How are you folks using yours?
Which unit? I've used Walker's Game Ears for a few years now and like them. There are 3 different models.
Base--This model base model isn't adjustable, has only one program for settings and may be the model you have.
Middle--The middle model still only has one program setting but allows you to adjust the frequency which would likely fix your problem.
Top--The top model has 4 different program settings and also allows you to adjust your frequency.

The base model enhances hearing by 40 DB and the middle and top models enhance by 50 DB. I bought the middle model for the additional DB gain and because it offered the tuning capacity to reduce or eliminate white noise. When I first started using Game Ears, I heard a white noise which may or may not not be what you're hearing. After I used the AFT feature to adjust the frequency, I pretty much eliminated the white noise. If it's really windy, the Game Ears still pick up some wind noise but not nearly as much as the Walker's Neck Band model I use as a backup.

I like the Game Ears and think they work well for both hearing critters in the field and for blocking out gunshot noise from shooting a rifle or shotgun while hunting. They were a little less effective when firing a pistol. I have not used them at a firing range and would not recommend them for that. They were designed for hunting, not a firing range. At a firing range or even if somebody is just firing next to you, I would recommend the ear muff style for better noise reduction. This is just my personal experience after using the Game Ears for 3-4 seasons and the Neck Band for part of this hunting season. Between the 2, I much prefer the Game Ears as they don't pick up wind noise as much and don't have the issue of a shirt or jacket rubbing against them and picking up that noise. This is just my personal experience offered as feedback in response to your question and as always, YMMV.
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