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Old 12-25-2017, 01:08 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 205

Originally Posted by hunters_life
I'm fairly new to inlines so I am by far no expert. But I do have a pretty fair knowledge of firearms and their workings. All this talk of blowby in any factory rifle isn't so much the fault of the factories as it is the manufacturers of 209 primers. If they would standardize primer sizes to an exact size then the factories could resolve headspace issues, the main cause of blowby in my understanding, easily and effectively. It is impossible for any manufacturer of factory rifles to get perfect crush since not a single primer manufacturer puts out the exact same size primers. While your W209 primers may not have blowby issues, a Fed209m, or a CCI209 probably would. Again, from my limited knowledge of inlines, this is an issue that everyone has to deal with in all of them. Now, as to your trigger reference, when you sent that rifle in to Knight, that trigger you sent in on the rifle was their trigger not yours. When you send anything in for warranty work, it all becomes the property of the manufacturer and they will do with it whatever they feel they need to to fix any issues. That wasn't a trigger you installed, it was a trigger they installed at the point of manufacturing.
The thing in a nut shell with the trigger assembly was that the gun was sent back to knight for issues first regarding the Bolt not closing to battery, and then sent back again for bad breech plug thread issues in the barrel.
There was never a time when I mentioned there was any issues with the trigger assembly. The function of the trigger assembly was outstanding. You are correct, someone at knight did literally consider the trigger assembly theirs. I could understand them wanting it, it was a quality unit, the least they could have done would have been for them to install a current functional production of the trigger assembly that was advertised at the time I bought the rifle. Had they done so I might have thought they did me a favor. I do think that the rifle I purchased from Sportsman Warehouse had been lying around for awhile somewhere and was an older production of Knight Rifles. I wish I had bought the rifle directly from Knight.
One reason I think this, besides the type of trigger assembly that was in the gun I purchased, is that the new barrel I purchased has tighter tolerances in the Breech Plug area of the barrel. I did not buy the barrel from Numerich because I didn't want one that had been lying around for awhile. I called Knight to verify this before purchasing the new replacement barrel. Not saying the one from Numerich would have problems or would not have worked, just that I wanted a barrel that was produced by current model year production standards.
To recap, the gun was never sent to knight for trigger issues, I should have sent the barrel to knight, like Bestill creations requested the barrel to be sent to them, "Stripped down to nothing but the Bolt and the Barrel". Then I would only have had barrel issues.
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