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Old 09-19-2017, 05:22 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 2,743

if you want to try something, take some peanut butter and place it on a tree, about 7 ft up, and then mark the tree with hash mark's, say every 6 inches and start from about 5 ft up with them
then set up a cam to watch it
you'll soon see how tall he is too, or others!
you can also use a bird feeder on a pulley , but they might figure it out and get it and smash it on you/

this feeder is just under 8 ft off the ground, like 2 inches under 8 ft
I think IF he wasn't so FAT, he could have been able to HOP and reach it LOL
he tried to get it several times before giving up and wandering off!
but 8 ft min has been my find on birdfeeders and pulley's work best from my experience
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