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Old 05-28-2017, 07:02 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 2,743

not sure where you think that was dangerous??

I gather you haul bait in that truck, and what happened was a bear could smell it, based on tracks and size of prints I say a female with a 2nd yr cub?

when you hunt over bait, , to be honest your actually pushing things, as NO one in there right mind would try and approach a bear on a natural kill, as by NATURE, they will defend there FOOD/KILL.

hunting over bait(and not bashing on it)
is going against nature, and when your climbing down or?? and bears are on the BAIT/FOOD,
its rather amazing they run off more times than NOT, than the other way

and on a side NOTE< and sorry if this offends you,
all that video of the bear in CALM easy shot like situations, and in the end, it sure seemed like that shot was RUSHED and with the second shot and ?????
maybe not a best shot placement or timing on that hunters side of thing

either get good video, OR take a BETTER shot, would be MY suggestion here!

and if you HUNT predators that are BIG and capable of KILLING YOU<
its just HUNTING a dangerous animal, NOT bears are dangerous, there just capable animals!!
IF they really were DANGEROUS and looking to KILL hunters, there would be a LOT more dead hunters every yr by a BIG jump!

bear human attacks are RARE, and its because Bears don't Target humans 99.9 % of the time!
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