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Thread: scored 4
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Old 12-19-2015, 06:24 AM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: idaho
Posts: 2,773
Default scored 4

went out pheasant hunting yesterday and got 4 birds.

was walking out of the marsh and passed an old boy of around 70 or so(guessing) , walking in. I thought , good for him for being fit enough to still get out in the swampy marshes.he got a few hundred yards past us and jumped a pheasant . he shot and missed , we thought . it sure looked like the bird was not hit. it was flying somewhat towards us so we were watching to see where it landed. there was a stretch of very tall grass between the shooter and where the pheasant flew and just as the bird cleared the tall stuff and was out of his view it suddenly did the death backflip and fell to the ground. I couldn't believe it, he had hit it after all. hunter had no idea he hit it , so I went and retrieved it , tracked him down and told him what had happened and gave him his bird. should have seen the smile on his face, when I told him. he thanked me and said,"I wondered how I missed that bird."
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