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Old 10-01-2015, 04:15 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: ne oklahoma
Posts: 124

So, as I understand it, yual believe that this money goes into a lockbox which is only opened and dealt out to the states.?
Like the excise taxes on sporting goods, the highway funds returned and all the SS taxes that went into the into the lockbox before Johnson got his hands in the till.
All taxes go into the general fund.
Sounds to me that some in NJ and Mich. are trying to defend the indefensible. what is that state color?
I wish that all the sportsman taxes went back to the states because at this point in time the hunt licenses in the US have been on the decline for some time.
some states wildlife depts. do a good job in maintaining the wildlife some don't.
funding depends upon how the wildlife depts. were set up. Kansas receives more funds that the sale of hunt and fish fees provides. others dont.
Unfortunately, Ok. funds are dependent upon the sale of fish/hunt and special hunt licenses and the proceeds from lifetime licenses invested. now that's a lockbox that works.
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