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Old 09-13-2015, 06:26 AM
Boone & Crockett
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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I guess mine was on a bear hunt in Idaho a few years back. Sort of like Oldtimr's post you got dropped off in the afternoon and picked up at dark. Just before dark I had a bear coming into the bait site. I caught a glimpse of it and it was a big one and smart too. He made a big circle around the site and must have caught my scent. He started popping his teeth (If no one ever heard that it sounds like two fist sized creek pebbles knocking together). At one point he was directly behind me in the dark timber and I could not see him. He was PO'd and as he kept circling I heard him smack a tree and it must have been a dead fall because I heard it falling. He never came in and I presume he left or was waiting for me to leave. Then when it was totally dark I walked out to the road about 1/4 mile from the site. Unknown to me the guide that was supposed to pick me up couldn't get the truck started to come get me and had to wait until the other guides came back in their vehicles. Meanwhile, and it had to be this particular night, I heard some wolves howling not to far away and a bit later I could hear them walking and their low growling. Not loud growls but more like they were annoyed. Both these episodes on the same night - talk about the hairs on your neck rising. I was finally glad to see the truck's headlights around 10:00 that night.
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