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Old 10-26-2014, 11:17 AM
Uncle Nicky
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: PA
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by Oldtimr
The problem isn't the season, the problem is PA has a bunch of complainers and whiners who would complain if they were hung with a new rope, if they were given a 50 dollar bill, they would complain that it wasn't a hundred dollar bill. They bought an inline, now they want to use it when they want to use it, not in the season that was provided. They can also use them in any firearms deer season except for the FLINTLOCK season. In addition to being a bunch of cry babies, they do not understand the English language, the word flintlock as a specific meaning. You see, Many PA hunters want everything easy and their way. I said many, not all, but enough to be a PAITA. PA hunters have it better now than in any time in the history of hunting in PA, but it isn't enough! Makes me ashamed sometimes of being a PA hunter.
Blah, blah, blah...A cancer tumor gets banned from one website, and shows up at another...

None of these rants, internet sandbox tussles, or insults change my view on how backward this state is on hunting. I'm also embarrassed to say I hunt in this state. And no, I'm not leaving any time soon, and yes, I do hunt Sundays in other states. So, I'll just continue to state my position, hopefully open a few minds, and continue to write the PGC with my suggestions and sign petitions.
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