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Old 09-16-2014, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: The North Country
Posts: 38

Assuming that you have a course under your belt, experience shooting a gun or bow, whatever weapon you plan to use, scout some woods and its just as simple as finding areas that look like they may have a lot of sign. Dont worry about scrapes and rub lines or anything at all. Seriously, just look for areas that have lots of tracks or "runways" as we call them. Your just looking for the deer highways. If you are in area with a good food source (corn, beans, maybe a clover field or alfalfa) start in that area and try to catch them between the food and their bed (again this just means looking for high traffic areas leading to/from food). If its early season and hot, an isolated water source can do the trick. Later into the season, if you can stay on the does, you will have bucks lol..
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