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Old 12-21-2013, 05:46 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Michigan
Posts: 269

Originally Posted by flags
Whatever. You may be of the opinion that the advice I gave was unwarranted. However, the other members don't. So, I'm going to go with the majority opinion on this and not your's.
It was unwarranted.. And the majority opinion would back me up if it was tested fairly.
Copy/Paste the question to 10 other forums not related to and see how many members will respond with legal advice about property boundaries.
If fact, while it would probably seem odd to do so, you could copy and paste that question into a legal forum filled with lawyers and I bet you STILL WOULD NOT get property boundary advice...

In other words, you are being obtuse simply for the sake of being obtuse due to the fact that we have differing view points about property boundaries.
Flags, you might want to look up the definition of obtuse.. the insult doesn't fit the situation.
You were being obstinate with the totally unwarranted advice.. I was just pointing that out.

Think of it this way.. If a member asked "My buddies and I are driving up to our cabin for the season and we need advice on a good cabin heater"

And people started responding "Please make sure you don't drink any alcohol while you're driving up there!"...

It doesn't make a lot of sense does it? The advice is perfectly valid, it is also totally off topic.

And yes, the only reason I called you out on that was because of our previous debate.

With sincere respect, I hope you understand my position. I've made my point and made you aware.. I won't call you out on it again.
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