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Old 05-19-2013, 12:54 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Pine Hill Alabama USA
Posts: 1,280

oh I would still like to see patterns at 75 yards
LOL! Me too because I think his claims are a joke.

Ridge why are you wasting time with us when you could be out there dominating the still target competition world and setting world records? A gun that will throw a 100% killing pattern of lead 6's at 76 yards should still be shooting one ragged hole at the distance they fire at in still target competitions. Not only could you set the new world record for number of pellets in the 3 inch circle they shoot at, but you could conceivably shoot the entire 3 inch circle clean out of the target. LOL!

I can't see how I can even carry on a serious conversation with you. Setting aside the fact that I do not believe for a minute that you are getting anything that could even still be called a pattern at 76 yards with lead 6's I will instead say for the record that lead 6's will not consistently kill turkeys at 76 yards. Has it "ever" happened? Maybe but it would be a very lucky golden BB indeed. Probably have to hit him in the eye. The only thing that will pattern and kill to that distance consistently is hand loaded TSS shot. But TSS is 18gm/cc in density compared to leads 10 or 11gm/cc. And it's 100 times harder than lead. But that's a whole different ballgame that has no bearing on what's being claimed here. I will try to dig up the amount of kinetic energy a lead 6 pellet would have left out past 70 yards and get back to you. Trust me, it ain't a lot.

But by all means you feel free to prove me wrong. Where do you want to meet to shoot a 76 yard lead 6 pattern for me? I promise I will come back here and eat a plate of crow that would choke a mule if you can demonstrate a good pattern at that distance with any lead 6 shell. Oh, but I insist we use my range finder cause I think there is something wrong with yours. LOL!
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