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Old 11-07-2012, 07:18 AM
Fork Horn
bigdeernofear's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 248
Default The drought is over!!!

So finally after not harvesting anything for two years, I finally tag a decent buck! Two years ago I broke my hand racing motocross. Three surgeries and one year later I was finally able to use my hand again but already missed deer season. The next year I didnt have any time to hunt because I was too busy working to pay off my bills that piled up from the year before. So this year I wasnt messing around. Still only getting to hunt on saturdays, I made a promise to myself that I would tag a buck during archery lol. The property that Im hunting on is land my dad had just bought two years prior, shortly after I broke my hand. I was and still am trying to get a good idea of the deers movement patterns because they seem pretty unpredictable at all times, but I know theres nice buck around, great ones actually. A little bit of common sense scouting I find about six trails in the field that funnel down into one leading into the woods and that all branch out in the woods again. I set my climber dead center of this in some really thick cover. Im talking while the leaves were on the trees I had three shooting lanes, narrrow ones lol. Anywho a bad night of spotting ill see 40 deer and 8 bucks, 6 of which are usually nice shooters. So last saturday I was ready. Packed a lunch and everything, told myself I wasnt leaving my stand for a minute. Deer were rutting hard and i knew it would be a good day. I slip into a ladder stand on the other side of the field just for the first 30 minutes or so of light and I see some doe running around which is promising, but then I shortly get out and slip into my climber. At 8:40 I get the first sign of action. I hear something coming from behind me, in a area I typically never look just because of how thick it is, and I see a beautiful ten coming right at me at about 70 yards. I turn around, put my release on my bow, and wait for him to pass(trying not to shake to much haha). Waiting and waiting for what seemed like forever but was probably about one minute, and nothing. I turn over my right shoulder and see a four point right behind me. Turn over my left shoulder and see a doe. Cant see the dang ten anywhere! The doe turn around and starts going the way it came and I finally see the ten get up from a thick bush and chase her away. I could have cried because this would of been the best buck I ever harvested and he was at the tip of my fingers! So im sitting there in a bit of distraught for only ten minutes when I hear something else coming from behind me again. Turn around and its this guy. Coming in hot on the same trail the doe had just came in on. This time i wasnt messing around so I stand up and get ready. To make an already long story a little shorter he barely comes out of the thicket when I plug him with my new 2"1/4 muzzy two blade mechanical at about 15 yards at 9:30 on the nose. I gotta say though I was never too crazy about mechanical broadheads until now because these things are mean! I placed a great shot but the deer didnt go 30 yards. Later on this evening blow on a distress call for the heck of it and call in three coyote and two fox, just throwing that out there because I thought that was pretty cool. Good luck hunting guys hope you all get the big one you wanted!
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