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Old 04-29-2012, 03:13 AM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 728

The story goes- my 12 y/o son and I get to the blind at 7:45am yesterday, 4/28. It had rained throught the night and was lightly raining off and on. We get set up on land I just got Friday. We were there 10-15 minutes and a hen started yelping behind us. I called and she yelped back and then a gobble. I called a few more times and waited. Everything got quiet and I was guessing they cut out on us and reached down to pick something up and I saw the hen. She was walking through the set up. I told Nathan to get ready. He said he couldn't see her yet. She walked in front so he could now see her. Then we started hearing the spit and drum. You could feel him vibrate. It seemed like an hour but was a few minutes, he stepped out on Nathans left side. Nathan couldn't see him yet without moving a bunch. I told him to wait. The tom walked out at 15 yards, quartering way toward the hen, but never showed his head and Nathan couldn't shoot him. He would stop and strut when I would call, but he kept him head tucked down and never looked up....showed us his fan/rear the whole time. He finally walked out of Nathan's 20g range...never once stopped or raised him head. At 35 I picked my gun up, asked Nathan if he was ok with my shooting the Tom, he told me yes. I asked him again and he stated, "Shoot him already!!" I shot and dropped the bird at 38 steps. The look of joy and excitement on Nathan's face was great, but like I told him, this was my second favorite turkey hunt ever, he asked my what was my first and I told him when he kills his first bird. I felt guilty about taking the bird, but we had talked before about the shot and taking the right one. He made a very mature choice and in not shooting. He will get his for sure soon, but the fact we shared this hunt will be #2 in my heart! We then had to run for the truck due to a pretty strong t-storm and the lightning was intense just as we got to the truck...

Last edited by firelt72; 04-29-2012 at 03:18 AM.
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