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Old 11-27-2011, 04:43 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Just playing the "devil's advocate" here, but how do you know the person who shot the deer was the same one that took the head and antlers? I have known some pretty lousy shots over the years and some even lousier trackers. If they shot a deer and it did not drop right there or the deer ran out of sight they were lost. I have found a couple decent bucks where the hunter "missed"....only for me to find the deer piled up a day or two later.

Now, I agree with you that it was probably some scumbag who did this but the chances of them being caught are slim to none. At times there are dangerous individuals floating around the George Washington Forest and the Jefferson National Forest for that matter. Anytime I hunted those areas I always carried a concealed weapon with me. Anything that happens there would not really surprise me.

Last edited by VAhuntr; 11-27-2011 at 04:46 PM.
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