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Old 11-19-2011, 02:04 PM
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Location: Woodburn,In
Posts: 73
Default Probably my last season

Here's my story. 25 years or so ago I lost my best friend and hunting buddy to cancer. I just lost all interest in hunting. 3 years ago I decided it was time to start hunting again. Now I had to buy a bow, shotgun and ML, tree stands and blind and all the normal things. The only land I could find to hunt is a small woods surrounded by farm fields seemed ideal. Let me say that either land owners do not allow hunting around here or they already have people hunting it. I do not hunt public land since I have had stands stolen and a slug hit a tree I was in, too many idiots. So I have been hunting this ground from different stands blinds etc. and in three years have not seen a deer, none. Not even on camera. There are tracks but must be completely nocturnal. I am giving up, I will go back out next weekend but I have spent time and money on something I love and am too frustrated too keep it up. Sorry for the long post and rant but I just needed to vent.
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