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Old 10-16-2003, 08:12 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Livonia Mi USA
Posts: 551
Default RE: Harvest Ratios

We agree with Trophyhuntr on this one. What you need to do is to do a count. Go into the woods and sit on a stump for the whole day. You will need to do this about 10 times in 10 different areas.
Count all the deer and what you see is about what you have. If you see 100 does over the day and 3 bucks than you have about a 33:1 ratio... We suggest that the doe' s be taken, not just antlerless. If you take fawns you need to be careful to take only doe fawns. If you cannot distinguish the fawn sex than they get a free pass until you can.
If the doe has a doe fawn take the fawn. If you take the doe and not the fawn the fawn may starve and there is no sense in wasting meat.
If the doe has twins take the doe fawn and leave the buck with the doe. If the doe has twin doe fawns take the fawns. Take all the yearling doe fawns you can and look for the doe matriarchs.
You must leave one old doe she will teach the younger deer survival skills. We havve clients in the south that take all the doe' s they can untio they think they have taken too many then they take 25% more.
Just reducing the doe herd will increase nutritrient to the herd. Don' t forget to plant and use some supplement.
Also, once you get some property you will not believe how many friends you will have. Make sure they give an equal amont or more towards the management capital during the rest of the year...
Good management costs $$$ and time.
You will recieve some sound information here, don' t hestiate to ask questions...
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