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Thread: baiting ethics
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:29 AM
Fork Horn
Thunderchicken217's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Frederick, Maryland
Posts: 197

This is why hunters like us will someday lose the battle against anti hunters. It will probably not be in any of our lifetimes but for those whose lives that it would occur during I feel sorry for. Why is it that everyone has to beat this dead horse over and over again? For some crazy reason people have this great urge to somehow feel that in some part of their life that they are better or more ethical about something than someone else. All these commercials on tv about stand united with your hunting brothers and sisters and yet people are more worried about tearing the person next to them down for enjoying the same sport they do. I wonder if people who play other sports do this kind of crap and thats exactly what it is. Can you imagine an NFL lineman saying to another, you know I dont really like the way you got to the quarterback in that game. I found it unethical and quite offensive if I must say so. Come on people what the hell is wrong with you? Do you think the person who taught you how to hunt would want you bashing another hunter just for the way they decide to get a deer and if they would well then they had no business what so ever teaching someone to hunt because they sure as hell dont have a clue what its about. It always makes me laugh at a commercial such as Micheal Wadell saying welcome to the brotherhood. The brotherhood of what is my question because you can goto a local gun raffle of hunters and the room is as divided as a meeting of congress or something. All I am saying is that no way that this great sport of ours will last forever with such opionated and judgemental people tearing down its own. Go ahead and laugh if you think I'm crazy for believing that it will one day fail and believe me one day it will be gone. The only thing that will be left is a generation blaming the one before itself for why this great sport is gone. Sound familiar people about alot of other things through out history. It will not be hard for outsiders to tear down a tradition that is already being torn down inside of itself. So why doesnt everyone just worry more about topics that help us all instead of starting posts like this one.
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