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Old 05-03-2011, 12:05 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Poconos, PA
Posts: 1,712

Got on a big group of birds early this morning. Got to the spot I wanted to listen from, heard one gobble in the distance but couldnt tell exactly where it was, then a tom started gobbling closer. I started slowly toward him and next time I stopped multiple birds gobbled where he was. I kept moving closer and an owl must of been perched right near them. Every time he hooted the birds went nuts. there was at least 6 birds gobbling in the group. I got to about 150 yards and got my decoy out and was slowly walking toward them looking for a spot i wanted to set up. Owl hooted again and a lot of birds gobbled, sounded like 8 or so.

I was pumped as they sounded hot and were all close together. I kept looking up to make sure I couldnt see them as I took a few more steps and found the tree I wanted to set up at. Started walking toward them to put my decoy out and heard a wing, looked up and there were more birds only about 20 yards away. I was busted, and those birds flew right toward the birds gobbling and shut them up. Saw around 10 birds fly and all looked like toms or jakes. Never heard another peep from those birds, but I blew a good chance right off the bat. I wasnt very happy with myself

Took a long walk around the game lands listening but never could hear another gobble. Ended up going to a big private piece of land with my two fiends and called them in a bird. they both shot at it at about the same time. Nice 2 year old bird. We ended up seeing another bird strutting off of a logging road. I knew another trail that skirted around it so we got around and got set up, but never got him to gobble and dont know where he ended up going. Will be back at it in the morning trying to get my second bird.

Heres a quick pic i took of my buddy's bird, prob a 10 inch beard and 20 pound bird.
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