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Old 02-09-2011, 05:19 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 104

Originally Posted by PastorJim08
Andrew, I built an S600. It is considered by many to be the best homebrew out there. It is also the most difficult to "hack" or modify. The greatest expense in a homebrew is usually the camera. Most of the models used are discontinued so you have to find them on ebay, craigslist, or in pawn shops. Depending on what you pay for the actual camera, you can usually build one for less than $150.00. If you decide to do an S600, I recommend that you send it to someone who has done an S600 for the hack. After that part is done the rest of it is fairly easy. If you want to start out with something a little easier, I would suggest a Sony P41. They take excellent pics and if you use the right control board, they can be hacked without any soldering.

Pastor Jim is correct. The prices of cameras have doubled the past couple of years cause more people are starting to do it. Ebay is the best place to find the cameras but its all about supply/demand and I've seen some cameras go for about as much as they were new . P41's are fast, easy to hack, and take great pics but the prices have skyrocketed.

I bought a bunch for less than $30 and at one point they started going for $125 so I sold them and took that money and built a few S600's for pretty much free.

A P32 is another good option. Same hack as the P41, takes good pics, and is fast. Should be able to get them For around $60.

Heres a list of the items you need and a rough estimate on price.

Camera = $60
Board = $40 or $60 for a snapshot which is what I use.
Glass = $5
Case = $15
Fresnal = $5
Liquid Nails = $3 (unless you buy a case already camoed)
Camera Foam = $4
python lock = $15
batteries = $10 for sanyo eneloops

Theres $157 not counting shipping. You will need a soldering iron, batteries, battery holders (if you want to run externals for longer run time), pipe-thru (what your cable goes through to lock it to a tree. I use a 2512 arrow shaft), and paint to camo it. Also servos and jacks. I would say it would be around $180 to build one now unless you can get a good deal on a camera.

I always order extras of everything when I order.
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