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Old 01-13-2011, 08:01 AM
Nontypical Buck
halfbakedi420's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Headstrong
lol i heard of other guys from a different site comment about people here. its funny you guys are aholes. i post the video and tell you want happens and then you call me a liar. and again lol at the 20 yard comment. you guys are a joke. with people like you on this site no wonder all the threads got erased. i guess you 40 and 20 years of hunting didnt teach you fellas enough about hunting or manners. good day sirs. hope your not to mad to comment about it again. because i wont be around to read it.
good, i hope ya take your video with was very apparent that it wasnt even close to a quartering away yes, liar is a good word...your words not mine btw....
it is very apparent you have no "good" skills at 50 yards, so whats wrong with goin back to 20 yards?
it wouldnt surprise me 1 bit if ya never found that deer, and you are just saying you did. after all, if i had a cam, and shot and recovered a deer, i'd have it on the same video as well.
i will say, thats a nice camera ya got there.
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