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Old 12-21-2010, 12:03 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NOVA
Posts: 780

This is crazy... I really hope that wolves get reintroduced into new england, that would be hilarious.. Not to mention they would screw up and reintroduce the wrong species again most likely.. And i cant wait for the Soccer moms to get a hold of this...Yes little Timmy will be fine at the bus stop all by Please stir up the drama.

These people that want to reintroduce wildlife are forgetting that humans have by in large destroyed there home turf and made it impossilbe for them to flourish with out causing harm. Animals that can manage to live in and around humans are, and animals that cant, dont! Thats why coyotes are found every where and wolves arent. Thats why people can live with big cats out west, but a pack of wolves running through town might cause a little different reaction..... The idea of reintroducing them is not even smart. Just like at Yellowstone, they said they have plenty of land and food and they will never leave, to bad every state in and around yellowstone has wolf packs showing up left and right now. They wont stay were you put them, there wild!
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