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Old 12-08-2010, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 75

You can't bait deer in NY, Like everyone is saying.
But that doesn't mean that you cannot hunt overseeing cornfields,alfalfa/clover feilds ( any crop for that matter ) Food plots that have clover/ alfalfa ect.Hay, winterwheat/soy beans ect. You can also hunt in areas in the woods with white and red oaks when acorns are falling, you can also hunt in apple orchards or around sparcley located appletrees on your property. ALL this is NOT considered baiting. And with all the food/ resources deer have naturaly, you should see no reason to bait them. A bag of corn in my book, is not they way to get deer to your game cam. Perhaps moving the cam to a better location is the way to go. You can use attractants like doe and buck urine in NY, so setting up a good mock scrape/ finding one that is already established is a good place to set up a cam too. With all the other options out there, you can find other ways to get your deer infront of the cam OR maybe its better suited to say get your cam infront of the deer. Good luck, I hope this helps.
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