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Old 11-16-2010, 10:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by VAhuntr
Is it possible that the deer which sniffed at your arrow and freaked out, was freaking out at your scent that was on the arrow?

No. Wind was very clear on this. This is just one of many examples I have seen.

think of it this way. How many times have you seen a deer just ignore a new smell in an area. I bet its sorta like you going into your house and smelling rotten eggs in the hallway. Your probably going to stop and take note. Even the dirtiest, nastiest guy would stop and take note. He might not freak out. The cleanest most maticulus might freak out.

What I have noticed is not all deer are equal. They are individuals like you and I. I don't believe one can take one old story of dear old dad and let that shape his whole view of anything.