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Old 10-18-2010, 12:39 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 94

I understand what you're saying and have the same feelings. I try to take each step very quietly and sometimes almost fall over because I'm trying to slowly roll from my heel to the ball of my foot. It is quite tiring!

I will say this though.... I was on the stand the other night and had both deer and a person (neighbor out for a walk) approach at different imes. The deer and the person made the same "sort" of noise except for the fact that the person walked continuously and the deer did not. Remember that deer usually take a few steps and look to walk around.

I'd always read about taking 3-4 steps and stopping but had never really practiced that...I had always tried to be as quiet as possible instead. After what I heard last night I would definitely worry more about my pace than the noise itself. Sure, I don't want to crash through the woods but by nature you'll be less noisy by taking a few steps and stopping. I tried it on the way out and it was much more comfortable than agonizing about each step. Just my two cents worth.
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