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Old 10-18-2010, 09:55 AM
Nontypical Buck
stabnslab_WI's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by SavageArms
I hate stupid people that think there the end all be all of hunters. Stuff happens in the woods and everywhere else along with physics and Murphy's law things can not be avoided. StabnSlab you sound like an in experienced hunter and very immature. You noticed how other serious hunters in this forum provided there experience of there use of fixed verses expandable broad head technology. I do not know if your mother failed you with your education of manors or of you are the example to be followed when people say better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Immature yes, experienced hunter yes, Immature only because Im hung over right now, experienced because I have done everything wrong in hunting before and I learned from mistakes. I have shot deer in shoulder's, spine shot a few bucks and even killed one with a head shot. All shots were my fault. One year I wounded (5) bucks before I hung up the bow for the season. Tell me something, did you practice with your broadheads before you went out? If you didn't then don't blame it on your heads, blame it on yourself. And leave my mother out of this, Dorty Mantooth is a saint!!
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