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Old 10-14-2010, 06:20 PM
Typical Buck
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Location: Kansas
Posts: 616

Originally Posted by Jimmy S
So, if I am not moving in the middle of Autumn but I am covered from head to toe in all white, or any solid color vs someone dressed in a plaid or camo or any clothing that breaks up their pattern, are you saying the deer (who knows every piece in his woods, down to the smallest detail) will not realize either of us is in his area, if he cannot hear us or smell us? Wow, that's a looooong sentence I just wrote but I hope you understand my question.

I have the utmost respect for the deer's senses, especially his sense of smell, but they also rely of other sense for survival. His eyesight is very close to humans (MHO) but they live there and will certainly realize when something is out of order, especially if it poses a threat. To me, wearing clothing that breaks up my pattern will only male it more difficult for the deer to realize what he is seeing. Bottom line, blending in to my environment will always make me a more successful hunter vs wearing a solid color, especially if no movement is involved.

If I am wrong here, please enlighten me.
The problem is that it is very hard for people to realize that deer don't think, see,smell, or anything else like us humans do. They do not process information like we do. They are a prey animal they do not hunt other animals like us reasoning predators. They do not reason. Because if what you are saying is true the minute you put up a ground blind in their "Home" they would never come back. They operate by instinct sight and flight behavior. I don't want to come off as a know it all... but I have had many experiences in the wild interacting with deer. I have been walking down a dry creek bed looking up at trees to climb and had a mature buck come right down in the creek bed with me at about 40 yrds away, there we were face to face the only thing I had time to do was kneel down as I saw him coming over the top of the bank. I am completely in the open with nothing to break up my outline behind me. Not wearing camo just regular street clothes. He knew there was something there but could not tell what I was even at 40 yrds. He pretended to eat with his head down watching me for movement and I was froze solid did not move a muscle. He tried to fake me out about 3 times and when I did not move he walked up over the bank and disappeared never spooked, snorted, never ran and it wasn't because of what I was wearing. He could not figure me out 40 yards from his nose, face to face with no cover. People have been taught by the people who sell the products not by mother nature. Camo will work on predators with more fine tuned eyesight. Just not deer. When it comes to eyesight of deer MOVEMENT is the key! You have never been busted by deer in the open and just froze and pretty soon they went back to doing what they were doing? Wasn't what you were wearing it was your movement. Sorry for the book!
Hope this helps!
Live it up! Doug
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