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Old 10-11-2010, 08:41 AM
Mr. Deer Hunter
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 220

Deer are creatures of habit. where you see the doe's, eventually you will see the bucks too.

My guess is that you hunted over those feeders and now the bucks are educated and found someplace else that was non threatening to get their mouth full of corn.

It's not legal to hunt near feeders in Pennsylvania, so I am not as educated as most people about their use and qualities.
But what I do know is that you can actually train the deer to come to the feeder if the timer for it to discharge the feed - makes the same noise at the same time every day.

Bulk feeders - like cattle feeders - where the food is available all the time, does not entice the deer to come running when they hear a discharge noise - because the only time they see or hear anything is when they see you with the pick up truck or four wheeler refilling the feeder.
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