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Old 08-08-2010, 04:09 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: titusville, PA
Posts: 267

moultries phone customer service does really suck, but if you send it in with a long note and description about the problem, I have had nothing but great service, one with a D40 the the flash blew up and would only work for 24 hours, and that one was out of warrenty by 3 months with no recept, and they sent me a brand new one, and the second camera was an I40 that was only taking black and white pics, called customer service like 4 times they kept telling me that it sounds like the camera is working nomal, and not to bother sending it in cause they would just send it back, but I decidedto send it in with pictures and a really long angry note, they recieved it on monday, by friday they sent me a new one back. and come to find out that if you don't have your I40 in DIRECT sunlight it will take only black and white ;-(, I just bought a D55 so hope this one works ;-)
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