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Old 08-04-2010, 03:48 AM
Dahlonega Jim
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 2

I believe that there are 5 required elements to succesfully harvesting deer with archery equipment:

1. Hunt an area that hold a fair amount of deer - scouting, getting permission to hunt property
2. You must be able to get within your effective range of the deer - stand placement, moving on the stand, cover / camo, wind, scent management
3. You must be able to get off a good shot at the deer - shooting skills, when to shoot, movement in the stand, noise, wind
4. You must be able to hit the kill area - shooting skills, buck fever, equipment
5. You must be able to recover the deer after the shot - tracking, wind, how long to wait, watch and listen after the shot

I know these seem very basic but if you think about it, success is not possible without doing all 5 and there are special learned skills required in each one. I agree with a previous comment that some new hunters focus too much on the latest fad or gizzmo and not enough on the 5 basic elements.

Anybody you know that consistently takes deer / bucks with a bow is skilled in all 5 elements.
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