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Old 05-15-2010, 08:58 PM
hardwoodhank's Avatar
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Posts: 59
Default Is the deer black?

I just wrapped up the spring gobbler season, and was going back to check on my perfect bowstands from the previous season and the trails that are 50% man made, and 50% deer natural seemed almost completely natural by now.

Anyway, I had set up one of my cameras facing the trail they have made that leads to my acre food plot. I pulled this film last month and still connot figure out or understand what is trailing this bachelor pack. My camera is set to take two shots, a second apart, each minute activity is close enough to activate the shutter.

I noticed something awkward, and zoomed two shots to see if anyone can help me identfy what this is that seems to congregate with this group of about 25 coeds. It appears to me as being a very dark color (not a shadow)...99% black.

Any clues, or has anyone encountered a very dark or near black deer, much less catch it on film. I admit that this upload here doesnt do it justice, but zooming in on a 25 inch monitor...its something out of the you see it?

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