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Old 05-12-2010, 06:52 PM
Giant Nontypical
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the cart is well infront of the horse...and personally, im FINE with it...if im in a gun fight i aint gunna be standing there taking my time...if i was having an issue making hits when i NEED to make hits, on the move, running to cover, in a quick fashion etc, id be worried about my shooting...but under pressure and in a rush i make hits...

doesnt make sense...but im not lying or exaggerating...

i think its all focus and overthinking if that makes any sense...which then leads to anticipation which then leads to the dropped shots..

at 3-10yds my shooting is fast and the hits not tooting my own horn..but thats whats goin on..

im nowhere near great...but theres somethin goin on when i stand and shoot at 15-25 that doesnt go on when i shoot on the move or in low light or quick snap shooting..(for kicks n giggles i was drawing and shooting asap for the head of a silloute at 15 and 25yds and if i was missing the head i was giving him a serious windburn..) if i drew and shot in a fashionable amount of time, i was lucky to hit him center mass (i shoot that low) and taking my time, i can paint a smiley face...

so, i guess i never passed up the basics..i can stand there and take my time and put out eyeballs..but cant draw, settle in, squeeze and make that shot...but i can draw and snap shoot as soon as the front sight is on the head and make the shot pretty consistently..

gotta be overthinking and thinking too fast causing anticipation (which i know leads to dropped shots..) just gunna keep at it all summer...i know if my target and bullseye type shooting improves everything else will follow...

i have to admit, snap shooting, shooting out of the holster, and quick shooting is alot more fun...and more practical...most guys dont train like that or even have an opprotunity to...if you drew out of a holster on a range and sent 3 down range as the gun broke leather youd likely be sent off the range...moving and shooting FORGET it..same with low im lucky to have places to shoot like i do..and i know its more practical..amazing what your heart rate will do just when you syke yourself out...GUN! run to cover drop down to a knee and send a double tap down range..

i never wanna be in a gun fight...but i own guns and feel its my duty to beable to use them..stuff ever hits the fan and i find myself in that situation i wanna feel like i am a little prepared..not a fumbling fool...hence drawing out of a holster...thats all muscle memory and if it isnt done or you get lazy and dont snap the snap on the range etc, your gunna find yourself fumbling if your ever in a fight...
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