Forums - View Single Post - Hunt Test/ Field Trials VS. Real Hunting?
Old 05-06-2010, 05:38 AM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Central PA
Posts: 829

I run GSP's in AKC Hunt Tests. I also train with peopkle who run field trials. My opinion is this...If you want to hunt from a horse than field trial is the way to go. If you like seeing your dog work at a pace you can keep up with such as in most real hunting scenarios than the Hunt Tests are more in line with the type of hunting your average hunter does. If you hunt pheasants in PA it is pointless to have a field trial dog. Half the time the dog is out of sight and on point without you knowing it if you don't have a tracking collar. A hunt test dog is typically a closer working dog which covers the area thoroughly before moving on. A field trial dog blitzes along the hedge rows and field borders easily 100 yds ahead of you and in many cases much further out. They are trained to find A bird quickly. A hunt test dog is trained to search for all birds in closer range. I prefer to have a dog find more birds with less walking on my part, that is why i run AKC Hunt Tests. NAVHDA testing is more in depth and the standard is more strict. I will be running in those after I have my male to his Master title hopefully next spring.
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