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Old 03-14-2010, 03:50 PM
Dominant Buck
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Absolutely not, I have two different bows--one that I just love and don't want to get rid of and the destroyer which I just purchased.. Both of which I can do the same with as far as accuracy and distance.. When I did shoot traditionally I did just fine with no problems (there are limitations of coarse).. I shoot my bow almost daily and have done so for years.. I have won multiple tournaments and challenges as well as killed many different animals using archery equipement, its not me.. Some may be more comfortable with nothing but the bow, arrow, and rest--thats fine but I'll shoot against that person any day of the week.. People become comfortable with many different things and that is fine.. But as long as you are comfortable with what you shoot, how you shoot, and the consistency of your shooting I feel you are doing everything right..
__________________ issues with that (naturally).

Do you shoot at game at long distances (I'm no ethics that's not why I'm asking). I'm getting back to the original question.

Thanks for that very well thought out response, BTW.
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