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Old 03-02-2010, 06:18 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,978

"Hunters aren't happy about this correction the PGC has made but it is needed nonetheless."
Some areas needed SOME reduction. ALL areas got reduction. Some areas needed none...others got far more than needed. The program was also based on MANY PROVEN lies and proven false predictions. Not only that deer are taking an undue amount of the blame for areas that do have lack of regen. We significantly cut the herd and have been 10 years since implementation of hr. What has it gained us? According to the audit....Very slight REGRESSION of the regeneration! lol

Time to say enough with the nonsense, some areas of the state dont have a thing wrong with the habitat and never did. Of those areas that do, cutting the herd to ridiculous levels below 10 dpsm didnt help. Time to cut our losses, let dcnr change their forestry practices to something that actually works and manage deer like all the other "normal" states.
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