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Old 12-24-2009, 05:09 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: South Central, PA
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by glew22
I have a good working knowledge of the stages of forest succession.

If youre not familiar with the terms saw and pole, which you readily admit, I highly doubt your claims. 2G is not the barren wasteland most proclaim. Logging is the lifeblood of the NC region, and has been for generations. Regeneration is only a problem where lack of quality forest management exists. Plenty of private and public tracts doing well. DCNR has a habit of blowing things well out of proportion(state park closings,etc..) and given the reins, we are in the position we are today. Using deer numbers as an excuse for bad forestry practices shouldnt be tolerated. But DCNR's been given a free ride. And our deer herd is being used as a test bed. If youre ok with that, great. Im not.
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