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Old 09-06-2009, 08:26 AM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL
Posts: 955

This post amuses me and interests me at the same time. I have a couple of thoughts to contribute.

1.) I don't have a problem with "professional hunters" having financial compensation for the use of their products.

2.) I do think that the celebrity hunter loses some credibility when they act so "passionately" about a specific product. I would rather them be completely honest and say something like, "This year, I am shooting a PSE because they are my sponsor this year."

3.) I think that technology and production has come to the point where most production bows are capable of being efficient hunting bows. With that said, who cares which one is best? I shoot a Hoyt because I like it and I paid for it. However, if someone was to offer me financial compensation to shoot another brand, I would accept their offer, provided I could shoot it accurately.

4.) I remember an article about a record book AL deer. The original pictures of the deer showed the hunter in military fatigues. He was at his truck at the gas station all sweaty and happy. The posed pictures showed him in a branded camo pattern. The article was clear to say that he was wearing said brand of camo. However, my gut told me that this was all wrong. I can't prove it and don't really want to, but I can't help but think that that part was added with some compensation. I just don't think that he changed out of his branded camo to put on military fatigues to get his first pictures taken with that buck. Since then, I have avoided that brand (even though I like it) because it is just too deceptive. Why not just sponsor him after the fact.

4.) Some of my favorite videos are some old vhs tapes I have of some guys in GA ...I think their names were Bobby Tucker and somebody Shirah.... They were awesome.

Just be honest. Don't be deceptive. Lots of products work.

Last edited by Arjuna; 09-06-2009 at 06:01 PM.
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