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Old 08-28-2009, 06:50 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 7

1. Have you ever hunted deer? yes
2. If yes, overall, how experienced are you as a hunter? very experienced

3. Have you ever gone deer hunting? Yes
4. How many times did you go deer hunting in the past year?___45____

5. If any, in the past year, how many deer have you seen while hunting?__40_

6. If any, in the past year, how many deer have you taken a shot at, but missed? ___0___

7. If any, in the past year, how many deer have you actually killed? __4___

8. What is your age? ___41___

9. Do you wear glasses or contacts? No

10. If so, are you: Near sighted? Far sighted? Other, please specify ____________________

11. Are you color blind? Yes
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