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Old 08-12-2009, 03:16 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 235

I'm going to buy a hunting suit <I don't have one> and wash it in baking soda a couple times and then after it dries, put it in a bag with leaves and dirt as some of the hunters here suggested in another thread. Seems like a pretty good idea.

I'm also going to stop washing my hair a few days before just to make sure I get all the fruity/smelly smells out from my conditioner. I'll look for baking soda deoderant too.

Dad says he always packs an extra socks when he goes. Says once his feet get cold, he's done so the socks save him. I found insole foot warmers at WalMart the other day along with Super HOTHANDS hand & Body warmers that stay warm for up to 18 hours. I'm going to go pick up several more pairs of the insole foot warmers this Friday. I hate cold feet. I'm a chronic sufferer. I will also be getting more of the hand and body warmers too!!!

I don't think I'll hunt with a stand this year because dad doesn't. He has before but he stays more on the ground now a days and I think I'll be better off on the ground for now while I learn the sport. In a few years, I may change my mind as I get a feel for the hunting.

Does anyone use UnderArmor? My SIL says it's better than long underware and let's your skin breathe better and you stay drier. That there is an investment in itself but it seems it would last from season to season. I dunno.
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