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Old 06-29-2009, 07:44 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 6
Default RE: Information Sources

Bob, Your right! But many never had any earth shaking results as archers themselves.

Guess my point was to caution not to disregard an informational source because it is from someone who has never been heard of before either. Opportunities vary with people due to their personal lives. One of the best traditional longbow shooters I have ever met and was an incredible source of information was a poor ole farmer in PA who never entered a competition in his life and only shot a his archery clubs fun shoots. I never saw him carry a score card. It just wasn't something he cared to do eventhough many of us suggested he compete. To look at him and his homemade longbow and arrows you would of never known he was a huge source of excellent archery information from building equipment to shooting techniques. By the way he never shot below 80lbs and the last day I saw him before he died he was shooting a 100lb longbow at 76 years of age in bib overalls and a sweatshirt. He really knew archery, was an exceptional shot, and could help others in a way that it was effortless and completely understandable. But, few knew about him outside his local club and if he work of written a book or done a DVD he too would of been without credentials.

My take on this is one never knows where solid archery advice and information will come from. You need to read or whatever as much as you can. Then apply it to see if it works for your shooting. Credentials are great but may not make a difference in getting an archer to the next level.
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