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Old 06-17-2009, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,978
Default RE: How reliable are all these PA deer polls

"It's apparent to everyone that the only things you value are the sound and volume of your own voice (especially your internet voice). "

LMFAO, yeah. Everyone. You and a couple of others. Sounds like the same handful of "everyone" that supports the deer sham. Gee coincidental? LMFAO! Guess thats why YOU just used the bold large text you whine to me about using? LOL

"When someone voices an opposing view you shout loud and long first and if that doesn't work you shift into your juvenile LIAR LIAR mode. "

No no. Only when you first lie. There are a couple of you that do nothing but. There are also others who are on the opposite side that I do not call liar everyday like I do you. Because the description doesnt fit.

"The only opinion you value is your own and facts mean nothing unless they fit your warped opinion. '

The only "warped" opinion is yours both of Me and of the deer program. Mine are about as "middle of the road" as it gets.

"This thread has exposed that the polls can be manipulated. "

Actually no it hasnt. Its impossible to do what you did without it being pointed out and ridiculously obvious as Id explained. Impossible. I would agree with blackpowder that these polls represent such a small portion of the population that they shouldnt be given alot of weight and I would even go a step further to say that multiple voters can vote on either or both sides of the issues and none would usually be the wiser if someone really wanted to do so, unless they were unlucky such as you were by getting caught.. I do find it interesting, though, that the polls here have run about the same as most of those taken on other boards, including those only able to be edited by site administration.
"Given the suspicious end times vs vote times on only yours and your alias' polls, I'll leave the members to draw their own conclusions.... "

No you wont, because you keep lying about it. I told you the explanation, and you have no proof otherwise. Nor is there any other explanation plausible. I couldve typed in ANY end time I had wanted for the poll. before or after the last vote. I wasnt concerned with when the last vote was, I simply wanted to end the polls. I dont believe it wouldve mattered if Id type in 1969. Not sure, but will have to try it sometime. LOL
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